Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Dome Building on Keystone Grounds Brandon

The " Dome Building" --------Manitoba Provincial Exhibit Building on Keystone Grounds in early afternoon sunshine. Whenever I get bored , I pick up my paint brush, whenever I feel unhappy, I pick up my paint brush, whenever I get tired and sleepy, I pick up my paint brush. No exception today when I felt myself overcome with drowsiness at noon , I simply packed up my French easel ,loaded it into trunk of my car, and started to drive aimlessly until I spotted the dome building with its domes sparking in wintry sunlight. That is it. I set up to paint there and then against the cold, against the wind and even against the occasional sensation of hunger until what has been bugging me all dissipate and what is left in me is nothing but the pure bliss , the painter's bliss.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Brandon Court House in the early afternoon sunlight

Brandon Court House on Princess Avenue painted in sub -zero temperature today at 12 p.m. The greatest challenge painting outdoor faces at this time of the year is actually not so much the cold weather as the quick change of light which forces you to paint even more fast. Spent less than two hours painting today at the corner of 11th Street and Princess Avenue . Always enjoy the special kind of light at this time of the year which tends to imbue the landscape with a tinge of visual tenderness , and a wisp of light sorrow

Another window view in the morning

Sunny early morning , the same window view

Friday, November 18, 2016

Sunny again in the afternoon , the same window view

A window view a lady in red with baby trolley passing by

A window view early in the morning

A quick oil sketch this morning looking out of the window. Cold and gloomy with inevitable fall of snow. However, a flick of light from the window across the street outside , and Mozart's Piano Concerto N21 from CBC Radio 2 are enough to bring a touch of warm and a sense of jubilation to what should have been a bleak landscape in my sight.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Friday, November 11, 2016

When the full moon is rising in the evening sky

A Warm Novemember Day on Balmoral Bay

My tribute to the fallen on Rememberance Day

A quick oil sketch from Brandon Cemetery this morning to pay tribute to all the brave men and women past and present who scarified their lives so that we can live free.
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.”

Sunrise moment

Friday, November 4, 2016

For Sale, 42 Balmoral Bay Brandon Manitoba

For Sale ! 42 Balmoral Bay Brandon Manitoba.
This beautiful home on Balmoral Bay owned by Mr. John Gross is now up on the market. When I saw the for sale sign up on John's front yard, there arose a mixed feeling and emotion in me, a sense of passage of time ,and a sense of inevitable relinquishing of something that people always hold so dear to their heart. This home is also special to me personally as a painter, for over the past decade I have painted so many paintings en... plein air using this home either as my backdrop or as subject of my painting. So many times I just invited myself over to John's beautiful backyard to paint there with my portable easel seeking inspiration from John's meticulously hand crafted garden! Tomorrow, this beautiful home will be open for public view to potential buyers. Do not you want own a beautiful home so close to me as a painter who will constantly immortalize it in his paintings? If you do please hurry, for it will not be on the market very long!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The warm glow of street light

The warm glow of the street light on Balmoral Bay and two young figures passing by added a warm and cozy touch to what could be a bleak landscape at this time of the year.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Standing in the path of late afternoon sunlight

A quick oil sketch from our next door neighbor"s front yard looking at our house in late afternoon sunlight.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Hunter's Moon

A full moon night when I looked out of the window at 8 p.m.

Transfiguring light

Sunshine pouring down our front yard transfiguring what is so mundane into something almost otherworldly. Yesterday , I came home after a painting excursion at BU campus around 2 p.m , and seeing the light and colour on my front yard, I set up my easel again to paint lost in the hypnotic world of light and colour.

Brandon University Original Building in warm morning sunlight

Today is Brandon University Homecoming weekend. Went to campus to paint this morning.

in the full morning sunshine a glimpse out of the window at 9 a.m

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Home on Balmoral Bay in warm late afternoon sunlight

I always feel the joy surging through me as I paint my own home on Balmoral Bay. It is especially so when the warm light and hue of autumn colour was glistening against  the clear blue sky at 4 p.m. today.